The new ELLIS call for Fellows & Scholars is open!

Jan 4, 2024 | Opportunities

ELLIS appoints Fellows and Scholars in a model inspired by the Canadian LMB CIFAR network , organised in Fellowship Programs that study common research themes through workshops and collaboration.

This plays a dual role: (1) Fellows are high-caliber scientists advancing the field, (2) creating a community and giving a voice to Machine Learning and AI. In Canada, the latter strongly influenced the pan-Canadian AI strategy which resulted in the foundation of three major new centers for AI (Mila in Montreal, Vector in Toronto, and Amii in Edmonton).

ELLIS Fellows advance science and act as ambassadors of ELLIS. They provide strategic advice and leadership not just scientifically, but also in terms of how to build and grow ELLIS. ELLIS Scholars are outstanding junior scientists, often assistant professors, who do not yet have the seniority of a Fellow but are on a clear trajectory to reach this level. Below, we use the term “Fellow” to collectively refer to Fellows and Scholars alike.

In addition to (1) and (2), Fellows also play a role in

  • Student supervision in the ELLIS PhD program
  • Establishing ELLIS units and institutes
  • Providing strategic advice and helping to define the scope of ELLIS
  • Selection of new Fellows

The ELLIS Fellowship Programs bring together academics at regular meetings throughout Europe to promote free exchange of ideas and help create a European community of top AI researchers to retain and attract talent. Together, they stand up for European interests and generate high international visibility. Fellow programs are funded by the ELISE project and hence the fellow appointments are guaranteed until the end of the ELISE project funding (2024).

Only directors of Programs and Units can nominate Fellows. Every proposed Fellow goes through an evaluation process by the ELLIS Fellow committee. The selection is based solely on scientific excellence. In order to guarantee independence of the process, Fellows are only evaluated by (a) Fellows who are not based in the same country as the candidate, (b) do not have the same nationality as the candidate, and (c) have no conflict of interest. Proposals are checked against a set of “objective” criteria such as: high number of publications at top tier conferences high citation impact international awards and prizes. For more information about the nomination process please contact directly the director(s) of the Program or Unit you would like to be part of.

How to apply:

The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2024. Please note that nominations are only possible through the directors of ELLIS Programs and ELLIS Units – people interested in applying should therefore contact the respective directors directly.

You will find more information about the guidelines for evaluating scientific excellence for Fellow/Scholar nominations here.