26 – 27 June 2024
Venue: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH

Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

To celebrate four years of building excellence of AI research and foresighting the impact of the European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI and Robotics (AI NoEs), the Fourth Community Workshop 2024 aims to provide a forum for sharing ideas and best practices and sustaining collaborative activities beyond the NoEs’ lifetime.
The event is open for a broader audience beyond the NoEs community – simply register for online attendance and join the exchanges with us!

The two-day 4th Community Workshop is hosted by CERTH and co-organised by all the NoEs, with one specific day on AI and education.

● 26 June 2024: NoE Community Workshop
● 27 June 2024: AIDA Symposium “AI Education Beyond Borders”

The goal is to foster collaborations within the NoEs’ community and to discuss ways forward to maximise the impact of NoE research in 2025 – and beyond. This 4th Community Workshop builds on the previous events: the First ICT-48 Community Workshop held online in June 2021, a very fruitful Second ICT-48 Community Workshop held in Brussels in October 2022, and the Third Community Workshop in June 2023 Siena.

Target Audience

Online Attendance: The workshop is designed specifically for the entire AI NoEs’ Community but is open to anyone interested. In this case, please register for an online participation only. This registration form can also be used by members of the NoEs community who cannot (for whatever reason) attend onsite. For remote listeners at the plenary sessions, the possibility of participation is unlimited across the broader community and beyond.

Onsite Attendance: Due to limited room capacity, the workshop is open to a given number of NoEs community members to attend on-site. To ensure a balanced group of in-person participants from NoEs stakeholders, each NoE will receive 8 tickets. A link to a special registration form will be emailed separately to NoEs coordinators and project managers so that they can decide on on-site participation for each NoE and distribute the link.

Also the representatives of the European Commision, ADRA, ADRA-e and AI4Europe are more than welcome and expected to come to Thessaloniki.

Live-Streaming on YouTube

If you missed out on registering for full online participation, you can watch our live stream on AI4Media Youtube:

Event Footer