Theme Development Workshops – TDWs

Thematic panels and workshops aimed at researchers and industry representatives on AI trends, designed to support the community in defining the strategic research agenda and innovation roadmap.

Theme Development Workshop on Sustainability & AI

Date & Time: March 7th, 2025, 9.00 – 13.00 (GMT +2)

Location: Bucharest, Romania (Hybrid Event)

Overview: Join us for the Theme Development Workshop on Sustainability & AI, a 4-hour hybrid event designed to explore the powerful intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainability. This workshop will focus on how AI can address global environmental challenges, promote sustainable societies, and ensure trustworthy AI for individuals. The event will feature a series of 5 sessions, each with two 15-minute keynote presentations followed by interactive discussions and a Q&A segment.


  • Explore AI’s contributions to global sustainability.
  • Discuss AI’s role in creating sustainable societies and equitable solutions.
  • Examine how trustworthy AI can benefit individuals while advancing sustainability goals.
  • Foster collaboration between AI experts, sustainability professionals, and policymakers.
  • Address the ethical considerations in the development of AI for sustainability.


Responsive Table
Time Duration Session name
09:00 – 09:10 10 mins Welcome & Introductions
  • Opening remarks
  • Introduction to the workshop’s theme: AI and Sustainability
  • Overview of the sessions and objectives
Nicu Sebe (UNITN), Filareti Tsalakanidou (CERTH)
09:10-09:30 15 mins Session 1: Regulatory and Ethics Aspects
Keynote: Marko Milosaljevic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
5 mins Q&A and Discussion
09:30-10:10 30 mins Session 2: AI for a Sustainable Planet
  • Saso Dzeroski (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
  • Marius Leordeanu (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania)
  • 10 mins Q&A and Discussion
    10:10-10:50 30 mins Session 3: AI for a Sustainable Society
  • Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (University of Milan, Italy)
  • Ioana Manolescu (INRIA, France)
  • 10 mins Q&A and Discussion
    10:50-11:10 20 mins


    11:10-11:40 30 mins Session 4: Trustworthy AI for Individuals
    • Lorenzo Baraldi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
    • Nicu Sebe (University of Trento, Italy)
    10 mins Q&A and Discussion
    11:40-12:00 20 mins Session 5: Fostering the Next Generation of AI Talents
    • Charlotte Delage (Institute Polytechnique of Paris, France)
    5 mins Q&A and Discussion
    12:00-12:40 30 mins Session 6: Entrepreneurship and Tech Transfer
    • Nina Peters (University of Tubingen, Germany)
    • Isabelle Siegrist (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
    10 mins Q&A and Discussion
    12:40-12:55 15 mins Conclusion & Wrap-up
    • Summary of key takeaways
    • Final remarks and next steps
    Nicu Sebe (UNITN), Filareti Tsalakanidou (CERTH)

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