Resurrecting Old Classes with New Data for Exemplar-Free Continual Learning

Abstract:Continual learning methods are known to suffer from catastrophic forgetting, a phenomenon that is particularly hard to counter for methods that do not store exemplars of previous tasks. Therefore, to reduce potential drift in the feature extractor, existing exemplar-free methods are typically evaluated in settings where the first task is significantly larger than subsequent tasks. Their performance drops drastically in more challenging settings starting with a smaller first task. To address this problem of feature drift estimation for exemplar-free methods, we propose to adversarially perturb the current samples such that their embeddings are close to the old class prototypes in the old model embedding space. We then estimate the drift in the embedding space from the old to the new model using the perturbed images and compensate the prototypes accordingly. We exploit the fact that adversarial samples are transferable from the old to the new feature space in a continual learning setting. The generation of these images is simple and computationally cheap. We demonstrate in our experiments that the proposed approach better tracks the movement of prototypes in embedding space and outperforms existing methods on several standard continual learning benchmarks as well as on fine-grained datasets.

Type of Publication: publication

Title of Journal:The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , Seattle, USA, 17-21.06.2024

Authors: Otavian Pascu; Adriana Stan; Dan Oneata; Elisabeta Oneata; Horia Cucu

Towards Optimal Trade-offs in Knowledge Distillation for CNNs and Vision Transformers at the Edge

Abstract: This paper discusses four facets of the Knowledge Distillation (KD) process for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformer (ViT) architectures, particularly when executed on edge devices with constrained processing capabilities. First, we conduct a comparative analysis of the KD process between CNNs and ViT architectures, aiming to elucidate the feasibility and efficacy of employing different architectural configurations for the teacher and student, while assessing their performance and efficiency. Second, we explore the impact of varying the size of the student model on accuracy and inference speed, while maintaining a constant KD duration. Third, we examine the effects of employing higher resolution images on the accuracy, memory footprint and computational workload. Last, we examine the performance improvements obtained by fine-tuning the student model after KD to specific downstream tasks. Through empirical evaluations and analyses, this research provides AI practitioners with insights into optimal strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of the KD process on edge devices.


Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: Towards Optimal Trade-offs in Knowledge Distillation for CNNs and Vision Transformers at the Edge , Lyon, France, 27 August 2024 (Session Signal and Data Analytics for Machine Learning, Part 1)

Authors: John Violos; Symeon Papadopoulos; Ioannis Kompatsiaris

Federated Generalized Category Discovery

Abstract: Generalized category discovery (GCD) aims at grouping unlabeled samples from known and unknown classes, given labeled data of known classes. To meet the recent decentralization trend in the community, we introduce a practical yet challenging task, Federated GCD (Fed-GCD), where the training data are distributed among local clients and cannot be shared among clients. Fed-GCD aims to train a generic GCD model by client collaboration under the privacy-protected constraint. The Fed-GCD leads to two challenges: 1) representation degradation caused by training each client model with fewer data than centralized GCD learning, and 2) highly heterogeneous label spaces across different clients. To this end, we propose a novel Associated Gaussian Contrastive Learning (AGCL) framework based on learnable GMMs, which consists of a Client Semantics Association (CSA) and a global-local GMM Contrastive Learning (GCL). On the server, CSA aggregates the heterogeneous categories of local-client GMMs to generate a global GMM containing more comprehensive category knowledge. On each client, GCL builds class-level contrastive learning with both local and global GMMs. The local GCL learns robust representation with limited local data. The global GCL encourages the model to produce more discriminative representation with the comprehensive category relationships that may not exist in local data. We build a benchmark based on six visual datasets to facilitate the study of Fed-GCD. Extensive experiments show that our AGCL outperforms multiple baselines on all datasets. Code is available at

Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024

Authors: Nan Pu; Wenjing Li; Xingyuan Ji; Yalan Qin; Nicu Sebe; Zhun Zhong

Consistency-Aware Anchor Pyramid Network for Crowd Localization

Abstract: Crowd localization aims to predict the positions of humans in images of crowded scenes. While existing methods have made significant progress, two primary challenges remain: (i) a fixed number of evenly distributed anchors can cause excessive or insufficient predictions across regions in an image with varying crowd densities, and (ii) ranking inconsistency of predictions between the testing and training phases leads to the model being sub-optimal in inference. To address these issues, we propose a Consistency-Aware Anchor Pyramid Network (CAAPN) comprising two key components: an Adaptive Anchor Generator (AAG) and a Localizer with Augmented Matching (LAM). The AAG module adaptively generates anchors based on estimated crowd density in local regions to alleviate the anchor deficiency or excess problem. It also considers the spatial distribution prior to heads for better performance. The LAM module is designed to augment the predictions which are used to optimize the neural network during training by introducing an extra set of target candidates and correctly matching them to the ground truth. The proposed method achieves favorable performance against state-ofthe- art approaches on five challenging datasets: ShanghaiTech A and B, UCF-QNRF, JHU-CROWD++, and NWPU-Crowd. The source code and trained models will be released at

Type of Publication: Journal article

Title of Conference: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024.

Authors: Liu, X.; Li, G.; Qi, Y.; van den Hengel, A.; Sebe, N.; Yang, M-H.; Huang, Q.

A Characterization Theorem for Equivariant Networks with Point-wise Activations

Abstract: Equivariant neural networks have shown improved performance, expressiveness and sample complexity on symmetrical domains. But for some specific symmetries, representations, and choice of coordinates, the most common point-wise activations, such as ReLU, are not equivariant, hence they cannot be employed in the design of equivariant neural networks. The theorem we present in this paper describes all possibile combinations of representations, choice of coordinates and point-wise activations to obtain an equivariant layer, generalizing and strengthening existing characterizations. Notable cases of practical relevance are discussed as corollaries. Indeed, we prove that rotation-equivariant networks can only be invariant, as it happens for any network which is equivariant with respect to connected compact groups. Then, we discuss implications of our findings when applied to important instances of equivariant networks. First, we completely characterize permutation equivariant networks such as Invariant Graph Networks with point-wise nonlinearities and their geometric counterparts, highlighting a plethora of models whose expressive power and performance are still unknown. Second, we show that feature spaces of disentangled steerable convolutional neural networks are trivial representations.

Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 (ICLR 2024)

Authors: Marco Pacini; Bruno Lepri; Xiaowen Dong; Gabriele Santin

Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance

Abstract: Social networks contribute to the distribution of social capital, defined as the relationships, norms of trust and reciprocity within a community or society that facilitate cooperation and collective action. Social capital exists in the relations among individuals, such that better positioned members in a social network benefit from faster access to diverse information and higher influence on information dissemination. A variety of methods have been proposed in the literature to measure social capital at an individual level. However, there is a lack of methods to quantify social capital at a group level, which is particularly important when the groups are defined on the grounds of protected attributes. Furthermore, state-of-the-art approaches fail to model the role of long-range interactions between nodes in the network and their contributions to social capital. To fill this gap, we propose to measure the social capital of a group of nodes by means of their information flow and emphasize the importance of considering the whole network topology. Grounded in spectral graph theory, we introduce three effective resistance-based measures of group social capital, namely group isolation, group diameter and group control. We denote the social capital disparity among different groups in a network as structural group unfairness, and propose to mitigate it by means of a budgeted edge augmentation heuristic that systematically increases the social capital of the most disadvantaged group. In experiments on real networks, we uncover significant levels of structural group unfairness when using gender as the protected attribute, with females being the most disadvantaged group in comparison to males. We also illustrate how our proposed edge augmentation approach is able to not only effectively mitigate the structural group unfairness but also increase the social capital of all groups in the network.

Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: WWW 2024 workshop on Trustworthy Learning on Graphs (TrustLOG)

Authors: Adrian Arnaiz Rodriguez; Georgina Curto; Nuria Oliver

FairShap: A Data Re-weighting Approach for Algorithmic Fairness based on Shapley Values

Abstract: Algorithmic fairness is of utmost societal importance, yet the current trend in large-scale machine learning models requires training with massive datasets that are frequently biased. In this context, pre-processing methods that focus on modeling and correcting bias in the data emerge as valuable approaches. In this paper, we propose FairShap, a novel instance-level data re-weighting method for fair algorithmic decision-making through data valuation by means of Shapley Values. FairShap is model-agnostic and easily interpretable, as it measures the contribution of each training data point to a predefined fairness metric. We empirically validate FairShap on several state-of-the-art datasets of different nature, with a variety of training scenarios and models and show how it yields fairer models with similar levels of accuracy than the baselines. We illustrate FairShap’s interpretability by means of histograms and latent space visualizations. Moreover, we perform a utility-fairness study, and ablation and runtime experiments to illustrate the impact of the size of the reference dataset and FairShap’s computational cost depending on the size of the dataset and the number of features. We believe that FairShap represents a promising direction in interpretable and model-agnostic approaches to algorithmic fairness that yield competitive accuracy even when only biased datasets are available.

Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024) workshop on Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR)

Authors: Adrian Arnaiz Rodriguez; Nuria Oliver

A Lie Group Approach to Riemannian Batch Normalization

Abstract: Manifold-valued measurements exist in numerous applications within computer vision and machine learning. Recent studies have extended Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to manifolds, and concomitantly, normalization techniques have also been adapted to several manifolds, referred to as Riemannian normalization. Nonetheless, most of the existing Riemannian normalization methods have been derived in an ad hoc manner and only apply to specific manifolds. This paper establishes a unified framework for Riemannian Batch Normalization (RBN) techniques on Lie groups. Our framework offers the theoretical guarantee of controlling both the Riemannian mean and variance. Empirically, we focus on Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifolds, which possess three distinct types of Lie group structures. Using the deformation concept, we generalize the existing Lie groups on SPD manifolds into three families of parameterized Lie groups. Specific normalization layers induced by these Lie groups are then proposed for SPD neural networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through three sets of experiments: radar recognition, human action recognition, and electroencephalography (EEG) classification. The code is available at this https URL.

Type of Publication: Conference Proceeding

Title of Conference: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)

Authors: Ziheng Chen; Yue Song; Yunmei Liu; Nicu Sebe