First Periodic Report on the Establishment of the ELIAS Alliance (D5.1)

This document is the first periodic report on the establishment of the Alliance for European Leadership in Innovation with AI and Science (ELIAS Alliance), which is the first deliverable of Work Package (WP) 5 – Entrepreneurship and Tech Transfer within the ELIAS project. In addition to the ongoing exchange among the task leaders of WP5, the strategy and implementation of creating the ELIAS Alliance was discussed with the community at a dedicated workshop in Frankfurt in February 2024.


Date: 27/08/2024

ELIAS Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation Plan (D6.1)

This document is the first deliverable of Work Package (WP) 6 – Communication, dissemination, and exploitation within the ELIAS project.
The main objective of this document is to detail the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (C&D&E) Plan, the main materials, channels, and tools that will be used and developed, as well as the activities conducted throughout the project from M1 (September 2023) to M6 (February 2024) by the ELIAS consortium.


Date: 29/02/2024

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ELIAS aims at establishing Europe as a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research that drives sustainable innovation and economic development.

We will create a Network of Excellence connecting researchers in academia with practitioners in the industry to differentiate Europe as a region where AI research builds towards a sustainable long-term future for our planet, contributes to a cohesive society, and respects individual preferences and rights.